Marilyn’s Room
The name for this room was inspired by a dear friend of Gladys, who is the owner of Annie’s Place. Marilyn lived with her husband “Griff” on the ranch property where Annie’s Place is now located. Marilyn was an excellent seamstress and taught sewing classes to the young girls of Boulder every summer. During these classes, she also taught them that there was more to life than just living in a remote, rural valley; one of those girls was Gladys. In 1965, Marilyn designed and sewed Gladys’ wedding dress and 50+ years later she is still married to her husband, Dell.
Marilyn’s Room is an upper-level room with large windows featuring picturesque views of the magnificent Boulder Mountain, the distinctive Boulder sandstone slick rock ledges that regularly highlight the beautiful Boulder Sunsets and the luscious green Boulder Farmland all around.